Gneist, IL

Gneist, IL was one of 8 clubs from Norway that had teams playing during Sport Norge barnecup 2019. They participated with 41 teams in all categories except Jenter 10 (født 2009) 7er.

In addition to this, Gneist, IL have participated in Sport Norge barnecup before. During Sport Norge barnecup 2018, Gneist, had 51 teams playing in all categories of the tournament.

Gneist, originates from Bergen, which is the same city as where Sport Norge barnecup takes place. The area around BERGEN does also provide 7 additional clubs participating during Sport Norge barnecup 2019 (Bjarg, IL, Hausvik FK, NSNO, Skjergard, IL, Venjar, IL, Skogsvåg IL and Flaktveit Idrettsklubb).

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